Sunday, May 17, 2009

Teacher suggests drinking Jones GABA prior to taking WASL Exam

GABA Insider is reporting that teachers in Washington State are recommending that students drink a can of Jones GABA as they prepare for the WASL (Washington Assessment of Student Learning).
Studies have shown that 5th graders who consumed Pharma GABA prior to taking a test not only were able to complete more questions, but actually scored higher on the tests. Pharma GABA is the key ingredient in Jones GABA, a drink made by Jones Soda Company.
One teacher mentioned to the GABA Insider that upon learning about the benefits of Jones GABA he immediately suggested to his students that they should take every advantage available to gain the focus and clarity needed during such a stressful event like taking the WASL exam. Jones GABA can be the advantage kids need to have that "In the ZONE" feeling needed to score well.
Jones GABA is available online
Here's a video on the benefits of Pharma GABA

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